I have been scuba diving since 1977. I got my first waterproof professional underwater camera, a Nikonos V, in 1985. Photographing the magical underwater world has always been a passion of mine. I have dived in the colorful underwater paradises of the Red Sea, Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands for the sole purpose of underwater photography. In this gallery, I share with you my favorite underwater images.

"Fin" - This abstract image is of a pectoral fin of a rusty parrotfish (Scarus ferrugineus) at Um Halhla, Red Sea. Another fine example of macro photography shot during a night dive.

"Parrotfish" - The eye and operculum of a rusty parrotfish (Scarus ferrugineus) at Um Halhla in the Red Sea make a natural colorful graphic image.

"Pink Soft Coral" - This vibrant pink soft coral growing on the deep underwater walls of the Big Drop-Off (Ngemelis Wall) in Palau Islands make a stark contrast with its surrounding.

"Bubble Coral Shrimp" - This tiny and transparent bubble coral shrimp (Vir philippinensis) finds a home amongst semi-transparent bubble corals. Kapalai Island (Ken's Reef), Malaysia.

"Dolphin" - This spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) at Sha'ab Samadai, Red Sea was playing catch with the seaweed. What a joy it was to watch it release and catch the seaweed again and again.

"Corallimorpharia" - This group of corallimorpharia (Amplexidiscus fenestrafer) was at the Big Drop-Off (Ngemelis Wall) in Palau. Theotherworldly look is due to me not firing my flash. We don't always have to light the subjects.

"Red Sea Bannerfish" - The abundance and variety of sea life in tropical waters amazes me. In this case it was the school of Red Sea bannerfish (Heniochus intermedius) at Shaab Mansour, Red Sea.

"Titan Triggerfish" - The titan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens), a blue spotted red coral hind (Cephalopholis miniata) and tiny scalefin anthias (Anthias squamipinnis) are at home in a literal garden of corals at the Brother Islands in the Red Sea.

"White Soft Coral Crab" - Night diving is great for macro photography. Little critters come out for feeding in the dark. This tiny white soft coral crab (Naxioides taurus) is going about on a radiant red Gorgonian at the Big Drop-off (Ngemelis Wall) in Palau.

"Hovering Turtle" - I shot this sea turtle from below while it was gliding in the crystal clear water. It looks like it's flying against the sun and clouds in the background. Sipadan Island (south point), Malaysia.

"Numidia" - A twobar anemonefish (clownfish, Amphiprion bicinctus) feels secure on an anemone on the Numidia wreck while a diver is hunting for images to shoot in the background, Brothers Islands, Red Sea.

"Coral Hind" - This blue spotted radiant red coral hind (Cephalopholis miniata) at Elphinstone Reef, Red Sea was peacefully resting on a bed of dark green/blue coral bed.

"Scalefin Anthias" - Orange colored school of scalefin anthias (Anthias squamipinnis) at Elphinstone Reef, Red Sea light up in crystal clear blue water.

"Black and White Snapper" - This black-and-white-snapper (Macolor macularis) was darting down the Big Drop-Off (Ngemelis Wall) in Palau. The colorful soft corals and sea fan make a wonderful background.

"Humphead Wrasse" - Humphead wrasse also known as Napoleonfish (Cheilinus undulatus) at Elphinstone Reef, Red Sea. They are magnificent looking large fish.

"Crown of Thorns" - The giant crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) at Daedalus Reef (Abu el-Kizan), Red Sea was munching along on corals, moving slowly but steadily.

"Manta" - This giant manta ray (Manta birostris) at Rocky Island, Red Sea was passing by when I noticed it. I followed it for a short while and captured a few frames before it gracefully drifted away.

"Teshio Maru" - Corals and a grouper make a nest on the tip of the broken mast of the Japanese WWII shipwreck Teshio Maru, Palau, Micronesia.

"Twobar Anemonefish" - Twobar anemonefish also know as clownfish (Amphiprion bicinctus) has a symbiotic relationship with the bubble tip anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) which stings all other fish. Abu Soma Arbaa (Safaga), Red Sea.

"Foxface Rabbitfish" - This is a night shot of only the face of the colorful foxface rabbitfish (Siganus vulpinus) making it one of my favorite animal portraits. Kapalai, Malaysia.

"Western Clown Anemonefish" - Western clown anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is the real life version of the famous animation character Nemo. This image is shot by my son Murat who has been my dive buddy in some of my underwater adventures. Kapalai Island, Malaysia.

"Moray" - This yellow-margined moray (Gymnothorax flavimarginatus) at Siyull Island (Fury Shoal area) in the Red Sea is totally at home in its surrounding. The color palette is the same in the whole photograph.

"Cloud of Fish" - The school of fish at the Big Brother island looks like a cloud covering the whole sea. I've come across many abundant sea life in the Red Sea.

"Lionfish" - As poisonous as it is, the Lionfish (Pterois volitans) is a very photogenic animal and it doesn't have many enemies for obvious reasons. Daedalus Reef (Abu el-Kizan) in the Red Sea.

"Silver Blue" - The monochrome look is brought about by the silvery quality of this school of fish in the Red Sea.

"Anthias" - The scalefin anthias (Anthias squamipinnis) has a radiant orange color that pops in the blue waters of Habili Ali (St. John's Reef area), Red Sea. There are only a few things more enjoyable than a real life aquarium.

"Napoleonfish" - This lonesome humphead wrasse, (Napoleonfish, Cheilinus undulatus) in the Red Sea passed by me in an unconcerned manner as I captured it with my camera permanently.

"Cuttlefish" - The cuttlefish camouflages itself by changing its body color. They look like aliens from outer space to me. Kapalai Island (Ken's Reef), Malaysia.
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